Some days she wants to know everything and I finally start to feel OK approaching her. Other days she does NOT want to be bothered with details and I steer clear. Our office manager, the next in command, reminds me that that's what she's there for. So I should go through her with details before approaching the Boss.
This makes sense in the work world, but it got me thinking. I am SO glad this is not the way my God works. How great is it that we have the Holy Spirit and that because of Jesus we have direct access to the King of Kings? Sure, there's a fear and trembling when approaching the throne room, but not of the I'm-afraid-I'm-about-to-get-smited variety. It's a profound respect for his sovereignty, and yet he welcomes us in without any chain of command, even if it's concerning a seemingly irrelevant detail.

When my boss doesn't want to be disturbed, she closes her door and we know to hold all the calls and leave her alone. I thank God that he doesn't shut the door on us.