My job has begun to suck the life out of me. We're really busy getting ready for the American Film Marketplace (AFM) that takes place in Santa Monica in a few weeks, so it's early mornings, late nights, and homework in addition (i.e. I read scripts and write reports about them for my boss). It's exhausting, but recent outbursts from my boss have made it emotionally draining too. So, toss in a few sobbing car rides home. Add to that that the car has been a) illegal because it's not registered, and b) on the verge of falling to pieces. And though I took it to the mechanic last weekend, it failed the smog check, and no one was able to fix it before the work week.
This is just me, you understand, and I have wonderful parents who offer to help and even offer to fly out to my assistance! How do other people cope?? *sigh* It's a mad, mad, mad, mad world, and this is just a glimpse.
On the bright side, weekend evenings have provided me with friendly relief...and culture. A few weekends ago, my friends Ty and Amanda hosted a French night at their lovely apartment. Amanda made ratatouille, steak, and quiche, and the rest of us brought wine, dessert, and bread. Plus, we taste-tested some delicious cheeses and played Apples to Apples, with French music playing in the background, of course.

Carly and Ty
The following weekend we went to Oktoberfest in Torrance's Alpine Village. Do not be misled, as I was, that this village in any way resembles a mountain hideway. It's a restaurant off the freeway amidst smog and industry. BUT there was a huge tent, long tables, and an oompah band a la real Munich style, and the Alpine Village grocery store has authentic (overpriced) German goods. Mmmmm Muesli.

me, Taryn, Amanda, Ty, and Marc
So all in all, though weeks are rough, there are patches of light that make things better. Here's to a better week. Prost!
Oh, and for the record, I went to the DMV Friday morning before work and the car is now legal. Poor Magnum just needs to pass his smog test and the deal will be done.
Hang in there Whit! I definitely know a thing or two about working for crazy supervisors. Keep your chin up and always remember you have a family that loves you.
Your cousin,
Aw thanks, Blaine. You're really encouraging. :-) What's your email address these days? Send me some new pics of you and your lovely family! I can't believe I haven't met Harper yet. Sheesh. She's adorable.
Let me know when we're all packing up to move to Seattle.
Hey Whitney what's goin on? It's just another wet and rainy Sunday here in Lincoln so we are just takin it easy today. Just got off the phone with grandma and she sounded like she is doing well. You can email us at and please keep in touch!
I want to move back to Seattle tomorrow, are you up for it!
Yah for the ups!!!
Dude, Your blog needs an update! Stop reading scripts!!
Ms. Oliver, oh how I know what you're feeling!! Well.. my car does pass inspection, but I was rear-ended a couple weeks ago and I've been dealing with insurance companies and still haven't been able to get it fixed. As far as the workplace stress though... yeah. I'm also dealing with a bunch of people who are on the verge (along with myself) of loosing our jobs in the next couple weeks if the writers and producers can't get it together.
I miss all of ya'll. It makes me sad that I never get to spend any time with my friends these days. Hopefully we'll get to hang out soon!
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