Thursday, February 7, 2008


Last week as I was walking down Santa Monica Boulevard on a mundane errand, I experienced a rather magical moment. A little old lady wearing a wide-brimmed hat was bent over peering into a storefront window. The store itself was sunken half a level below the street, and the entrance is on the side with steps up to the sidewalk. A woman inside the store was leaning out the door speaking up to the woman. She said, "Well it's lucky you've landed in the right spot..."

That's all I heard, but in that moment, what appears totally ordinary struck me as something from a fairy tale, as if the woman was a Mary Poppins figure who floated in on the brim of her large hat and landed right where she needed to be to carry out her magical mission. Like maybe the store was secretly a shop of tricks she needed for her next job...

The moment passed quickly but the image stuck in my mind in a goofy wonderland kind of way. I like when I can float off in my imagination like that. Reality is a little more fun when you're only halfway in it.


Anonymous said...

glad to see you're writing again! Amen to the statement that it's more fun when you're halfway in it. Sometimes it's a survival mechanism isn't it?

Sarah Adams said...


Hey! Its your cousin Sarah! great blog posts! write more! I like being nosey and reading about your life : ) Plus you're a great writer! The one about grandpa made me all teary eyed. Especially about the painful hugs.
hope all is well!

Whitney said...

Sarah! Yay! Good to "see" you! I should be writing more--I slack with the blogging. I like having readers, though. I hope you're doing well!! I would love to come see you guys sometime. After all the years when the Hedges were the furthest away, now you are all the closest to me, and I want to take advantage of the proximity (even if it is still kind of far) and see you more. Take care! Love you too!